Thursday, June 5, 2014


So, do you see the post below? The one about a mid-year resolution? See the date of that post? See the date of this post? Yea..... oops!

Life has been crazy- beautiful, stressful, with lots of laughs and lots of tears.

 I quit my 40+ hour a week, corporate America job to work at our local church in the Religious Education office. I really enjoyed the experience and was so grateful that I wasn't stuck in a cubicle any more!

However, about a month ago, the Director of Religious Education at our other parish decided to retire and Father approached me about taking over (what?!?). I was thrilled for the opportunity to get deeper into the Religious Education role and officially started a few days ago on June 1st.

I am amazed at how much my life has changed in less than 1 year and can't even begin to put into words the joy that is in my heart. I have always known that God has a plan for my life but I also really thought that my plan wasn't half bad.

Boy, was I wrong.

As I sit here writing this, my mind is swirling with the emotions, memories, and adjustments from the past 8 months. Everything has fallen perfectly into place and I know that sure as heck wasn't my doing :)

THY will be done Lord, not MY will!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mid Year Resolution

I have never been good about making (or sticking to) New Year Resolutions and the same has held true for this year. So, my 2013 "mid year" resolution is ... *drum roll*.... to post a new blog once a week! I really feel that God is calling me to do this so I'm sure He will provide the graces necessary to do so  :)

The craziness of buying a house, moving with a 16 month old, working at my full time job, and going to school part time has really been consuming my time lately. Kevin has been really good about picking up the housework while I've been out straight and he keeps telling me I need to do something to take care of me. I'm not a big TV watcher so that's out and money is tight so shopping is out of the question (crap). I've always wanted to be more devoted to this blog so, after lots of prayer,  I have decided to make this my "me time".

In two weeks I start my part time job at our church as the Religious Education Coordinator for preschool through grade 4. One of my catechists was asking if I knew of any resources for crafts, games, and other liturgical ideas for kids, and I do, they are just in no way organized... oops! So, I'm hoping that my weekly blogging with allow me to consolidate all of the wonderful resources we are using in our program and act as a starting point for others looking for ideas. 

This will make my "me time" both relaxing and productive... 2 things I enjoy ;)

So, be on the lookout for weekly posts that will include a variety of things all revolving around faith, family, fun, and friends. All brought to you by the Caffeinated Catholic!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Have you ever wished you could have been in Jerusalem on Good Friday? I know I have. It would have been frightening but I would have loved to be one of the townspeople who lined the street as Jesus walked by. I would have wanted to be Simon of Cyrene, chosen to help Jesus carry His cross through the streets, easing His burden ever so slightly, the burden He took on so my sins could be forgiven. Or Veronica, able to step forward and wipe the face of our Lord, clearing the blood and sweat from His eyes, soothing the sting for just a moment. Every Good Friday, while praying the Stations of the Cross, I desire nothing more than to put myself there, in the shadows of the crowd. I would want to run to Jesus and wipe His blood stained face before heaving the bottom of the wooden cross on to my shoulder. I would give anything to help the Man who gave us everything. Lord, how can I show you the depth of my gratitude, the burning love I have for You…

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.” Matthew 25:40

We might not be able to help Jesus carry his cross down the streets of Jerusalem, bombarded with pain both physical an emotional, but we can help those around us who we see suffering. When we witness an injustice taking place and we stand up for the truth, we are easing the weight of Jesus’ cross. When we see someone who is hurting or lonely and we extend a loving hand, we are wiping the sweat from the face of our God. Even though we are unable to help Jesus carry the cross to His ultimate death, we are able to ease the weight of the cross by helping those around us on a daily basis, showing the love of Christ to our brothers and sisters.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reflections after a Retreat

Kevin and I just spent the weekend with a dozen or so teens from the Life Teen group we help with and it was an amazing experience. As a Core member, there are lots of responsibilities and time commitments that need to be stuck by and sometimes it can get a little overwhelming. Then, a weekend like this comes along and every second spent in preparation is more than worth it. There is nothing more beautiful then seeing teenagers praising and worshipping Creator and taking refuge in His endless mercy. Teens these days are sick of being fed the same old lies by society and are searching for the truth. This genuine truth is found in Jesus and I am so honored to be able to be part of it. God has blessed Kevin and I with many things, but the one that keeps amazing us, day after day, is working with these teens. I am so thankful that God has called me to be a part of this ministry. Although going back to work on a Monday is always hard after having such a God-filled weekend, I know that this isn’t my true vocation. This cubicle is not the extent of my job. I work to pay the bills, but I minister to help fill His kingdom.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Simple Prayer for a Rainy Morning

God, Your will is perfect, complete beyond all of my understanding. Please grant me patience and help me to place all of my trust in You.