Favorite Links

I just wanted to share a few of my favorite websites! Hope you find them as great as I do :)

Life Teen
An amazing website with daily readings, reflections, movie reviews, podcasts, and amazing blog posts.

Catholic Icing
A great site for CCD class ideas, home schooling, and just all around fun Catholic crafts!

Catholic Toolbox
This site has everything, and I mean everything, that one may need for teaching a CCD class or even doing activities at home with your littles. 

USCCB Movie Reviews
Before seeing a movie, we always check it out on here! The site is run by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and they review movies and TV shows to let us know if they are appropriate. The ratings go from A1- general viewers to O- morally offensive.

Bob Rice
Bob is an amazing speaker, writer, and musician who I have been blessed to be able to meet multiple times. His music is refreshing and his insights are unparalleled!

Keep checking back, I will be sure to add more as I come across them!