Thursday, April 7, 2011

Angry Thoughts

Anger is not from God. Nothing good comes from anger, just the sins of judgment, bitterness, and resentment. Anger is hard to control and can lead your mind into places that it shouldn’t be, places that don’t lead to anything but further sinful thoughts. Venting and gossiping are also two very different things. Gossiping is talking about what a person is doing where as venting is talking about how it makes you feel and expressing the emotions it brings up. We need to be careful though because venting can often times lead to gossip, which can then feed right back into the feelings of anger. It really is a vicious cycle. How can we stop it? Prayer. Prayer is the only thing I have found that is able to stop the circle of anger right in its tracks. The Grace we can receive through prayer is stronger than the strongest anger that can hold on to. If we let the hurt take up too much room in our hearts, we are not leaving any room for God’s love and the healing power it brings.

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