So, do you see the post below? The one about a mid-year resolution? See the date of that post? See the date of this post? Yea..... oops!
Life has been crazy- beautiful, stressful, with lots of laughs and lots of tears.
I quit my 40+ hour a week, corporate America job to work at our local church in the Religious Education office. I really enjoyed the experience and was so grateful that I wasn't stuck in a cubicle any more!
However, about a month ago, the Director of Religious Education at our other parish decided to retire and Father approached me about taking over (what?!?). I was thrilled for the opportunity to get deeper into the Religious Education role and officially started a few days ago on June 1st.
I am amazed at how much my life has changed in less than 1 year and can't even begin to put into words the joy that is in my heart. I have always known that God has a plan for my life but I also really thought that my plan wasn't half bad.
Boy, was I wrong.
As I sit here writing this, my mind is swirling with the emotions, memories, and adjustments from the past 8 months. Everything has fallen perfectly into place and I know that sure as heck wasn't my doing :)
THY will be done Lord, not MY will!